Steven Farrell Hughes

Barrister and Mediator

Telephone: 02 9221 1950
Fax: 02 8815 9303

Admitted as Barrister: 1995

Practice areas:

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Appellate
  • Banking/Bankruptcy
  • Building & Construction
  • Commercial Law
  • Corporations Law
  • Equity
  • Family Provision Matters
  • Industrial/Employment Law
  • Property Law
  • Wills & Estates

Steven has Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Economics degrees from the University of Sydney. He spent 2 years working as a political staffer and practised initially as a solicitor for 8 years including a year on secondment as in-house-counsel at Citibank.


He has practised as a barrister since 1995. In the course of his practice he regularly appears in the Local Court, District Court, Supreme Court and the NSW Court of Appeal and in mediations. He has also appeared in the Federal Court and various tribunals. The bulk of his practice is centred around wills and estates, family provision matters, equity and general commercial litigation.

Steven is a qualified mediator accredited under the National Mediator Accreditation System and is included on the Supreme Court of NSW and District Court of NSW Mediator lists. He will accept appointments as a mediator in probate, family provision, general equity, commercial, bankruptcy and insolvency matters. 

Papers & Speaking Engagements

Family Provision Claimants With Addiction Problems – June 2017

Statutory Wills – College of Law, September 2017

Obtaining Judicial Advice in Wills & Estate Matters – Television Education Network, September 2020

Select Cases

The Estate of Helen Manning Shave [2012] NSWSC 1428
– disputes between co-executors, claims for commission

Simmons -v- NSW Trustee & Guardian [2014] NSWCA 405
– summary dismissal, Real Property Act 1900 (NSW) & indefeasibilityof title

Smith -v- Moore [2020] NSWSC 1446
– family provision claim by an adult child, plaintiff’s obligation to disclose financial position

McIntyre -v- Pettit [2020] NSWSC 498
– security for costs, funds paid into court

Site Credits
Concept & Design: Sylvia Weimer / Web Development: Jimmyweb